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garbage dumpの例文


  • like a garbage dump where the trash piles up .
    ゴミための 掃き溜めの 吹き溜まりみたいなとこだ。
  • you wanna find garbage ? go to a garbage dump .
    チンピラを探す時 ベテランを探す
  • i will not lend you here to make it a garbage dump
    わしはゴミ捨て場にするために ここを貸してるんじゃないぞ
  • this is olusosun dump , the largest garbage dump in lagos
    ラゴスで最大の規模の オルソスン廃棄場です
  • there's kids all picking at the garbage dump
    ♪ ガキどもは皆 ゴミを漁る
  • sifting through a klingon garbage dump .
  • a garbage dump is still a garbage dump .
    掃き溜めは 掃き溜めです。
  • a garbage dump is still a garbage dump .
    掃き溜めは 掃き溜めです。
  • there's no place like home , even if it's a garbage dump like this .
    こんな掃き溜めでも 住めば都だから。
  • in the tale of the two goats at a bollywood garbage dump
    ボリウッドのゴミ捨て場にいる 2匹のヤギの話でまとめられます-
  • the garbage dump is over there .
    あれ そこはゴミ捨て場じゃないわよ
  • do you plan on saying you confused this place for the garbage dump ?
    これには事情が... ゴミ捨て場と間違えたという
  • the garbage dump is over there .
  • subsequently , the jomon people established sedentary life from the earlier period to the beginning of the early period; shell mounds were placed around their settlements and large-scale garbage dump sites were formed .
    次いで早期末から 前期初頭には、定住が確立し集落の周りに貝塚が形成され、大規模な捨て場が形成される。
  • okamura , an archaeologist , based his periodization on the degree of adapting to sedentary life: he assumed that the jomon people built dwellings and set up garbage dump sites from the incipient period to the earlier period , however , they lived in a semi-sedentary life , didn ' t always have dwellings , and lived a nomadic life depending upon the season .